What Is A Computer RPG?
Unknown | 9:50 PM |
In this video The RPG Fanatic explains what elements define a computer roleplaying game as being unique from other genres of videogames.
Fan Mail Page
Unknown | 3:58 PM |
I've added a new section to the website, a Fan Mail page.
This page won't include all the letters I receive, just some of the most notable or ones that answer questions I get asked a lot.
This page won't include all the letters I receive, just some of the most notable or ones that answer questions I get asked a lot.
How To Be A Good Game Reviewer
Unknown | 11:23 AM |
In this video I talk about what makes someone a good game reviewer and what makes someone a bad game reviewer.
In summary, making good game reviews comes down to learning game design, reading books about narrative structure and being able to articulate your thoughts in a way that is constructive for the target audience of the game.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-RPG...
Twitter: http://twitter.com/therpgfanatic
The Legend of Alon D'ar Review
Unknown | 2:47 PM |
First RPG Fanatic review for the year! Enjoy!
RPG Fanatic's Wish List
Unknown | 10:43 PM |
Ever wondered what games the RPG Fanatic wants and which ones he already has? Well wonder no more!
This list will be updated periodically.
This list will be updated periodically.
TV Tropes page?
Unknown | 11:34 PM |
There is now a TV Tropes Page for The RPG Fanatic!
I'm a big fan of TV Tropes. If you pay close attention to some of my videos, I name drop a few of their trope namers into the dialogue of my scripts.
If you're much of a site user and find yourself a little bored, why not help flesh out the RPG Fanatic TV Trope page with some of the tropes the show incorporates? I'd love to see what you guys come up with!
I'm a big fan of TV Tropes. If you pay close attention to some of my videos, I name drop a few of their trope namers into the dialogue of my scripts.
If you're much of a site user and find yourself a little bored, why not help flesh out the RPG Fanatic TV Trope page with some of the tropes the show incorporates? I'd love to see what you guys come up with!