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So I was having lunch with O.G., head editor of Original-Gamer.com and we started talking about this upcoming MMORPG. I went on a long rant about why I wasn't looking forward to it and O.G convinced me to turn this into a video.

So here we go: why SW: TOR won't kill WoW!

O.G. http://original-gamer.com/

Tumblr http://www.rpgvideoreviews.com/

Twitter http://twitter.com/therpgfanatic

We also have a RPG Fanatic video site for your mobile phone!   

New places you can find me!

I am now on tumblr http://therpgfanatic.tumblr.com/

Also, want to buy virtual shares in me? Check out my profile on Empire Avenue and now you can! Earn virtual currency as my valuation increases! http://www.empireavenue.com/careymartell


In this vblog Carey Martell ( The RPG Fanatic ) talks about the recent announcement that Diablo 3 will require the player to have internet access in order to play even in solo mode and that the game will support players to sell in-game items for real life currency. A lot of people have expressed outrage over these revelations and he shares his opinion.


Diablo III Auction House Overview

No real life currency auction houses on hardcore mode

We also have a RPG Fanatic video site for your mobile phone!   

Website: http://www.rpgfanatic.net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRPGFanatic

Twitter: http://twitter.com/therpgfanatic

Original Gamer: http://original-gamer.com/
I attended San Japan again this year and scored two great interviews to add to my "Investigating Anime" series!

The first is with Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson, a famous flash animator who is also a fellow Youtube Partner.

The second is with Shinichi Watanabe, more popularly known by his pen-name "Nabeshin". Nabeshin is the director of such great anime as Excel Saga, The Wallflower and Nerima Daikon Brothers. I'm actually a big fan of his work, so it was a huge honor for me to be able to interview him.

Unfortunately I had limited file space on my cameras for conducting interviews this time around (my cursed laptop broke!) so I didn't interview all the guests, but there is always next year!