More distressing publishing news
Unknown | 9:27 AM |
Nielsen Bookscan has found that of 86,000 new titles published in the UK in 2009, 59,000 sold an average of 18 copies.
On the one hand, that makes me feel a little better about all my rejections. The "experts" printed thousands of books nobody wanted to buy, so their judgment of what is commercially viable isn't infallible.
On the other hand, if the publishers are losing millions of dollars then they are going to take less chances on unknown authors who have no platform.
On an unrelated note, this may be the future of e-publishing. I certainly hope so.
On the one hand, that makes me feel a little better about all my rejections. The "experts" printed thousands of books nobody wanted to buy, so their judgment of what is commercially viable isn't infallible.
On the other hand, if the publishers are losing millions of dollars then they are going to take less chances on unknown authors who have no platform.
On an unrelated note, this may be the future of e-publishing. I certainly hope so.
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