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http://www.rpgfanatic.net/ We are causing a revolution with this project! Are you ready to be part of it? This video is going to explain why you should, along with the various things I see wrong with the world of video game journalism -- and by extension, journalism in general. I also talk about the problems of websites like Wikipedia, Giant Bomb and GameFAQs that attempt to catalog games but fail to do in a way that is truly useful to gamers who want more than just "quick info", they want reliable and accurate information about the games they love!

The RPG Fanatic Show has been my soapbox for these past few years, but now I'm opening the doors of my website to you! It's not just about me guys, it's about the community! This is a social network for fans of RPGs! Let's make this site a great success!

Note for those wondering why this text says "rpg games" so much, since it sounds redundant. If you use the Google Keyword tool to see trending topics, "rpg games" is actually the most trending keyword search involving the word "rpg". Youtube and Google Search has drastically changed their algorithms to favor trending keywords and brand new uploaded videos, and since I really want people to hear about my website and what we're trying to do for the gaming community, I'm using keywords that will best help this video get seen by people making searches for "rpg games". Thanks for being understanding.

In truth (and I'll talk about this in a future video) the recent changes to Youtube's algorithms are not ones I'm happy about. I think they really hurt the gaming community and I hope my website will make it easier for people to get their Youtube videos seen, especially those with monetized / Partner accounts. Unlike Giant Bomb and GameFAQs we do not discriminate against people who have monetized videos. Giant Bomb and GameFAQs will ban you if you try to use their website to promote your professionally made content, because they view your work as a threat. But here at RPGFanatic.net want believe you should get your high quality content seen, and we want to embrace the Youtube community and allow our site to be another avenue for you to get your videos seen.

In the coming weeks you'll learn more about the site, along with all the new features we are constantly implementing. Subscribe and you'll hear more! Thanks!

We also have a RPG Fanatic video site for your mobile phone!   


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