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Demon Face Playstation Controller

http://www.rpgfanatic.net/ Seriously, what the hell is this thing? I've been totally unable to figure out where it comes from. (UPDATE: WE FOUND IT!)

We have a thread going on my Facebook page, we might have figured it out!

We also have a RPG Fanatic video site for your mobile phone! 

The controller is apparently manufactured by Gemini, a subsidiary of Philips. The controller is part of the "Freaks" lineup of third party controllers released in 2004; my controller is the PS2 Berserker model. Freaks controllers were sculpted by Jeff Kokin, the renowned movie miniature and action figure artist. They are advertised as being "rare" on eBay but I'm uncertain of this.

Think you can help? Know anything more about it? Let me know in the comments below!

This is a new segment in The RPG Fanatic Show where I showcase some of the videogame related things I've come across and just can't figure out where it came from. This item is a devil or demon head controller with horns and burning red cat eyes. I assume it was bundled with a game or something, but I have no idea which game. The Googles tell me nothing!


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