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It's funny how even two weeks later people are still trolling my videos and my website, trying to pick a fight with me. I wonder what kind of tears they cry when they realize those long, hateful posts peppered with profanity and sensationalism took me half a second to erase?

I also find it very interesting that the people who accuse me of being arrogant are the same people who generalize "JRPGs" and "WRPGs".

I feel I should point out they are using the word 'arrogance' incorrectly.

Next time you want to insult me, pick up a dictionary and find one that actually fits.

Here, I'll make it easy for you.

In order to be arrogant one must be presumptuous. That means you are acting on a belief that isn't definitely true.

So really, who is being arrogant?

Am I, the person who has been researching computer RPGs for most of his life, arrogant for insisting I am correct about issues of publication history, use of genre terms and the diverse range of RPG game mechanics and graphics used by both Japanese and "Western" developers? Things that can be quite easily verified as being true by spending an hour on Google?


Are the people who insist "JRPGs" and "WRPGs" are unique "styles" of games being arrogant?

Are those who insist JRPGs are "mostly turn based" while WRPGs are "mostly real time" being arrogant?

Are those who insist JRPGs are "mostly linear" while WRPGs are "mostly non-linear" being arrogant?

Are those who insist JRPGs use "anime graphics" and WRPGs use "realistic graphics" being arrogant?

Are those who insist it is perfectly okay to make broad assumptions and stereotype thousands of games they have not played being arrogant?

All things considered, I'd rather be arrogant than be foolishly mistaken because I didn't bother to check the facts before I wrote an essay about how someone else was wrong.

Here's another definition for you: stupid."Lacking intelligence or common sense."

I think it's pretty common sense to actually do some research into a topic before you make a rebuttal video or blog. Not doing so and instead relying only on your personal feelings and limited knowledge about the topic is pretty damn stupid.

Edit: I do not have time for every wannabe Asalieri who wants to argue this issue with me. Unless you are able demonstrate you have actually researched this topic beyond what RPGs are for sale right now at GameStop I am not going to respond to you. I have a bunch of other videos I'm working on, none of which are about the "JRPG vs WRPG" debate. This is the last blog post I intend to make on the matter for the foreseeable future.


Mildra said...

The only possible angle of "arrogance" I can see is the overbearing aspect. but any way I slice it, the response seems to be rooted in the fact that you're challenging what they believe to be common knowledge and they feel threatened by that.

to quote Kay from Men in Black: "Fifteen hundred years ago *everybody knew* the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, *everybody knew* the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet."

before they watched your video, they thought *everybody knew* that JRPGs were always full of "angsty blond guys with womanly features wielding big swords", and it defined their thinking so much that a challenge to that is viewed as a personal attack, and they must defend the status quo. much like creationists' tactics.

but I digress, I just laugh at their desperation. because if arrogant is the best move, its not a strong argument.

Henry said...

The whole problem with this argument of yours is how you present yourself. Understand that no one has the patience to talk to an asshole who thinks he is completely correct on his assertions. No one in the world is 100% correct and the average person would be lucky to be 25% correct about everything they blurt out. You may know a lot of facts, but common prejudices can override facts in many arguments.

The thing is that you have to gradually ease people into your beliefs in order for them to take you seriously. Being an ass because another ass challenged your position doesn't make your or the other ass right or popular. Compromising and gradually showing what you believe, like all your other videos do, is a much more appealing approach to the public.

Take everything Roo, Asalieri, or anyone else said that offends you, put it under the bridge and start over. Your audience/fans like it when you inform them on what you believe not when you attack them for what they believe.

Unknown said...

@ Henry: I am not being an ass by pointing out when others do not have their facts correct.

And I don't think my opinions are always correct. What I am confident in are things that are indeed factual in nature.

For example, it is a widely held opinion that JRPGs feature teenager characters, especially Final Fantasy games.

However it a FACT that the overwhelming majority of Final Fantasy games feature adult protagonists, the only exception being FF 3 that stars orphan children.

With the exception of that sole game, all of the main characters have been adult characters.

Final Fantasy 1: All of the Light Warriors are adults.

Final Fantasy 2: Frioniel is 18.

Final Fantasy 4: Cecil is 20.

Final Fantasy 5: Bartz Klauser is 20.

Final Fantasy 6: Terra is 18.

Final Fantasy 7: Cloud is 21.

Final Fantasy 8: Squall Leonhart is 17.

Final Fantasy 9: Zidane Tribal is 16.

Final Fantasy 10: Tidus is 17.

Final Fantasy 12: Vaan is 17.

Final Fantasy 13: Lightning is 20.

Yet it's not hard to find reviewers complaining about "teenage protagonists" in Final Fantasy games. You can also find them criticizing the character development the protagonists go through as being nothing more than teenage angst.

Actually the word 'angst' is thrown around way too much in discussions about these games.




Actually, this might be easier: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=angst+jrpg

It's interesting to me that so much is made of the characters displaying emotions when that is what characters in stories are supposed to do. They are not supposed to just merrily march into the dungeon and kill the wizard without anything ever going wrong and them needing to pick themselves back up.


Basically I am trying to counter widespread ignorance that really has no excuse to exist. On this topic people are ignorant not because they couldn't have learned but because they don't bother to think critically about the topic and are just jumping on bandwagons created by IGN, G4tv, Destructoid and other major reviewers who I'm not going to name.

I think Mildra's explanation, that they don't like to be told they are wrong, is the real problem.

Topher said...

Your arrogance has nothing to do with whose right on the JRPG subject.

Thing is, some of the things you say: sometimes you make a good point. That's not the issue here.

The issue here is: Roo makes a general statement about the JRPG term, and you seem to think its a direct attack at you.

When someone gives you film advice, you assume they don't know what they're talking about and decide to insult THEIR work for telling you what you don't want to hear.

You seem incapable of admitting your wrong or apologizing. Not to mention, you can't seem to take criticism, as you have to delete every piece of criticism, constructive or otherwise, against you and regard it as "Trolling".

The fact that you may be right on certain points doesn't make you arrogant. The way your present yourself as a person is what makes you look arrogant.

But, by all means, prove me wrong. Prove everyone whose criticized you wrong. Leave this comment up. Apologize to the people at HSJ. Send a private message to Roo and Asa and try to build bridges.

That would probably be the coolest thing you can do. Understandably, it's hard to admit to your mistakes. It sucks making mistakes, but if you continue to ignore them and the feedback of other people (no matter how much you hate to hear it) how are you going to grow as a person? As a filmmaker? As..well, anything?

Henry said...

I know that reviewers tend to stereotype JRPGs, I find it kind of distasteful, and I usually tend to ignore it. Unfortunately, your attitude towards your fans has been less than acceptable when it comes to this subject. Most of your fans use the term JRPG without thinking it will have a negative impact on the industry.

Now I agree that this stereotyping has to end, especially with reviewers, but when it comes to your fans don't imply that you are better than them because you have facts backing you up and you use your terms right. Just subtly correct them with something like. "JRPGs are RPGs that come from Japan, and there is no real set formula for a Japanese RPG." If a fan or someone else challenges you on this assumption just ignore them.

You don't need to attack your fans because you got upset over something this trivial. No one has as big of a passion about this subject as you do, and arguing extensively about this subject, which seems kind of mundane to most gamers, is making you look bad.

Take it from Darksied2 on Screwattack. "Back away and be a better man."

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@ Topher: I deleted your previous comment on another article because, like the one you posted on your personal blog, it is a giant character attack that tries to build an argument based off completely irrelevant things and paints a distorted picture.

You are trolling. You're not fooling anyone.

If I allow trolls to spam the comments section then I am allowing them to troll. It's very normal for forum administrators to delete and ban people for trolling forum threads and since this is MY blog and MY videos I am the administrator.

I will leave the last one up but not to "prove" anything. I am leaving it up to show what kind of nonsense I've been having to deal with from people such as yourself.

"The issue here is: Roo makes a general statement about the JRPG term, and you seem to think its a direct attack at you."

Nonsense like this. Anyone who watched his video saw that he was trying to reprimand people such as myself.

Roo: "Why mention these people? Well on the internet everyone can hear you scream."

Roo: "Whatever floats your boat."

Roo was not being a "nice guy" in his video. He was being a condescending idiot and I took him to task.

I have no interest in "building bridges" with individuals who are taking shots at me and in the long term scheme of things cannot actually benefit me.

Really, what is to be gained from making peace with Asalieri? He's a punk who devotes his free time to harassing video reviewers.

And as for Roo, his rant was addressed to people such as myself. I responded back. If he and his friends are going to get butthurt over it and need to rely on someone like Asalieri and yourself to pressure me into apologizing for some imaginary slight, well you can keep dreaming.

@ Henry: I'm not "attacking" my fans. I believe you are jumping to conclusions on how my subscribers collectively feel about this issue. I'm sure that if they believed I was attacking them, they would un-subscribe and make it vocally known to me. Anyone can see from my SocialBlade stats that I have not lost any subscribers.

A lot of people were spamming my channel who said they were un-subbing. They were not subbed to my channel. They were trolls and that is why their nonsense was blocked and deleted from my channel. I did do a little checking into how these people operate and it seems to be a typical tactic for these Dead Horse / Busy Street cynics.

Really, their website revolves around nitpicking about internet reviewers. At least when I make a vblog I'm trying to educate people.

Henry said...

"You were better off educating people" and not ranting about this issue. Your subscribers are the people who truly support you, but what about the people who like your show but don't subscribe. I'm sure you lost a lot of those people over this issue. The numbers, facts, and support to your claims that you see on the internet don't mean anything if you end up pushing people away over them. Stop letting these people stoke the fire by throwing sand on the fire. Take a deep breath and move on. Do something else (maybe you should review a game or bring up a different topic) and reflect on how irrationally bloated this whole situation seems to have gotten.

Unknown said...

@ Henry: I wish I knew what your vested interest in this matter is. It is very clear from the way you are phrasing your arguments that you are not some random observer who has no dog in the fight.

You are making some rather wild assumptions. Where do you get off lecturing me on what is better for me?

I have already proven that I have not lost any subscribers. People lie; numbers do not.

Had you been a subscriber to my channel you would know I have released three videos since I made my JRPG response video.

The only thing irrational about this matter is how the trolls are pathetically trying to distort my arguments. They cannot argue with any facts to support them because the facts are against them. Since they cannot counter my argument in an intelligent manner they instead attempt to attack my character by misrepresenting what little information about me they can dig up from Google searches.

I am not a novice to the internet. I am quite used to dealing with the tactics of internet trolls and I know how it eventually will turn out. I am not concerned. There is no such thing as bad press.

Henry said...

Let trolls be trolls just ignore them and do what you do best (review and educate, not ranting). That counter argument video is probably your worst video to date, and if I was in your position I would just drop the subject for now and maybe bring it up later on (with my troll shield up of course).

By the way I am Sacrificed Abomination on Screwattack I'm also one of the many unsubscribed fans you have (or had depending on how this situation affected your unsubscribed fanbase). I have a vested interest in ending this ridiculous argument because I unintentionally got caught in the middle of it with my blog, and I feel partly responsible for making this situation worse.

I consider you a very knowledgeable person, but you have a problem taking criticism (like many people have said to you). If you are passionate about a subject you should voice your opinion, but in no way do you have the right to downplay anyone else's opinion without facing the consequences of the jury we know as the users of the internet.

The more you argue about this subject with others the less appealing your position gets, and it shows with the many dislikes and negative comments (from those you consider trolls, and a lot of them are likely disgruntled fans) you have on your counter argument video and blogs. You have probably lost a lot of unsubscribed fans because of this whole debacle, but if you apologize and move on you will most likely gain them back.

Priest4hire said...

Teenager: One who is 13 years old or over but under 20. That's from my handy Funk & Wagnalls dictionary but every other dictionary I checked confirmed this definition. That said, I don't want to be a nitpicking douche. I do get that you're saying the FF protagonists aren't as young as is being implied even if they do skew a little on the young side. But teenager is an unfortunate choice of words.

Topher said...

So, I'm trolling? On my own blog, where no one else visits, I'm trolling?

Look, I'm not going to try and explain that I'm not trolling, because it's obvious that anything I say will be trolling in some form or another to you.

My points are clear: You're kind of a dick. You can change this by taking a different approach to things, one that doesn't involve you saying "I'm right, because I know everything and anything anyone else says is either character assassination or trolling".

My suggestion to talk to Roo and Asa wasn't to apologize: Far from it. Making nice with people, especially people somewhat known in a small gaming community, helps YOU more than you believe. Get this: You can make friends, gain subs, and help people understand what your points are in the gaming world all at the same time when you're not being, you guessed it, a total dick.

When you say things like "I don't know how long you've been into gaming, apparently not long considering what you've said", or "Obviously, you don't have as much film experience as you think".

You're being a condescending dick. For someone who talks about how everyone needs to get their facts straight, you sure are able to make some disingenuous assertions when you feel your ego is threatened. This is evidenced by the HSJ thread.

People give you advice, and you turn it into a pissing match via comparing your work versus theres, and claim that everyone there is sub-par in the presence of your glorious work.

When you were asking for donations for 6000 dollars, and everyone on that forum suggested you lower the cost, you dismissed their claim and then turned around and lowered the cost to 1000. You never admitted you were wrong, you never said, "Well, maybe you're right, 6000 might be too much", or "Yeah, I can probably scrape up what I need from 1000". Nothing. Then proceeded to, as I mentioned again, make unwarranted attacks at the other users because you thought they were "trolling", or what ever goes through that thick skull of yours.

This is the epitome of being a dick, good sir. Do you get my point?

I know there's better ways to phrase this, and I know I'm being an asshole, but really dude.
Come on.

Unknown said...

@Topher: This is what I'm talking about when I say you are painting a distorted picture.

I supposed I should actually address the forum thing for a change rather than just keep letting you warp what actually happened.

#1) The original project was for a full feature film, not the pilot episode of a web series. I expanded the story considerably in the process of turning it into a web series.

I needed 6k to make an okay feature film. I only needed 1k to make a good pilot episode. These are not the same thing.

#2) I was not receiving "Advice" from those forum posters. I was being told to give up. I was also told by someone who made a very bad Ultraman homage that I didn't need money because hey, he was able to make a papier-mache mask and throw a short video with no dialogue together. He implied that because he made a crappy video that hardly anyone has watched I don't need money. Thus I am not the one who started a so-called "pissing contest".

I was also being ridiculed for trying to make a pilot episode, as they did not believe I had the necessary film-making skills.

Well, sure, if I do everything by myself then I can't make a great product but that isn't how film-making works. It is a collaborative art. Like you, they have no idea who I have on my crew and what we are able to achieve together. I am best suited to produce and write. That is what I am doing.

#2) Roo talked matter of factly about how the term JRPG had history and implied console-style did not. He was incorrect. And he was incorrect about his assumptions about the mechanics of the games. I'm not an ass for calling him out and saying, "Hey, you don't know as much as you think you do if you're saying this stuff."

There is no nice way to call someone out when they make an absurd statement. He didn't do the research on the topic; research I know he is more than capable of doing because he has done a good deal of it for his other videos.

#3) Of course you are trolling. Your only goal is to harass. All you have done is attack my character. You haven't addressed the actual issue being debated in the slightest. You're argument is you think I'm a dick. What you personally think of me has no bearing on whether or not I'm correct.

This is my last post on the matter.

Topher said...

1.) Looking back, I see where this point is correct. Your posts make it kind of confusing to understand that you went from a film to an actual web series.
Sorry on that front. However,

2.) They never told you to give up. Not once did I read "Just give up this project". They said for you to put it on the back burner for a while until you hone your skills.

These are two very different scenarios. I've done the same thing with a comic I'm working on, because I don't believe I have the necessary skills at this point to achieve exactly what I want. That's why I'm making my little web comic.

2.b) Yes, he said that you didn't need a big budget, just some ingenuity and creativity. Sound friggin' advice, man. It wasn't him trying to flex his epeen, he was just trying to suggest that you can do more with what you have than you really think.

2.c) If your RPG reviews and some silly 5 minute storyboard is all they have to go by, OF COURSE they will think this. When you ask for money, people expect you to have something shiny waiting for them. You didn't offer anything.

You can't fault people for being naturally skeptical. Especially when you barely have anything to show for it.

2.d) Okay, your crew. Right. They're awesome. Sorry, I forgot. Guess I'm just suppose to believe that like I believe you have skills in writing, directing, producing, and game design.

These are empty claims to me, man. The same thing you get so fussy over other people doing. I've yet to see you prove you are any of the above things. But please, prove me wrong.

3.) Roo may or may not have been wrong. Like I've said before - I could give two shits what you call Final Fantasy, it's still an RPG to me.
The thing is, your attitude makes all of your arguments null and void. No one wants to listen to someone who always considers himself correct, and everyone else in the wrong.

3.b) People can have separate opinions without gouging each others throat out. It's not that difficult.

I've called friends out, and they've called me out. I've been in heated debates with a lot of people over the most asinine things, and we still walk away with no hard feelings.

4.)Again with the trolling claim. My whole point is that you're a dick, and if you want to have any kind of future in film making or game design, you gotta cut that shit out.

For lack of a better way to phrase this, I'm actually trying to help. But you don't see it that way. Oh well, I tried, and now I have no reason to continue this nonsensical discussion.

Have fun in your bubble.

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