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When did I know I was a writer?

I guess I've always known.

My first stories were not written; they were acted out when I was a child. I think a lot of people forget the stories they invented when they played with their toys or ran around outside with their friends; I still remember some of the make-believe adventures I went on. And when I played with my action figures, my characters went on epic adventures that would span weeks and months. Most of them centered around a Voltron castle and the generations of heroes that protected it from the forces of spooky doom.

When I was in grade school, I used to make my own hand-written books with line paper and staples. I actually still have some of them. I had a series of short stories about 'Super Rabbit', which was an imitation of Super-Man so terrible that it could be considered a juvenile parody.

I used to be a big Star Trek fan and I wrote fanfiction about "Star Trek: The Next Crew" which took place after "ST: The Next Generation". This was years before the internet was available to the masses and a decade before fanfiction.net existed. I typed up the stories on my school's Macintosh 128K. I used to have a floppy disk with them all on it but I have no idea where it is now.

I also used to write stories in notebooks; somewhere I have a big box of notebooks that contain a couple novellas. Most of it was epic fantasy.


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